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Seth Rich

Brother of slain DNC staffer Seth Rich goes after half the internet in lawsuit against conspiracy nuts

The Mockingbird was one of the first, if not the first media outlets to cover the suspicious death of DNC staffer Seth Rich. This publication was the first to get and first to publish the police report. We had questions at the time with the official narrative, and we still do.


The Death of Seth Rich and the Fake News Industry

Yesterday, August 1st a lawsuit was filed in the Southern District of New York by former Fox News investigator and talking head Rod Wheeler against Fox News. The suit, which is partially constructed as an employment discrimination suit and partially as a defamation suit, alleges that one well connected Trump operative and one Fox news investigator conspired directly with the President to advance the false narrative that former DNC staffer Seth Rich was murdered for leaking DNC emails to Wikileaks.


When the people you look up to disappoint you Bruce Schneier and election integrity

Bruce Schneier is the Bill Nye of computer security. He has made a career of both as a cryptographer and as someone who can make computer security issues accessible. I've been reading his works for over twenty years. I fought to have has first book Applied Cryptography used as a text when I was in my third year in college. In his field, he is an absolute heavyweight. He is also a noted civil libertarian on privacy issues and a board member of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, which for the unfamiliar, is the ACLU of the internet.


Democrats stole Trump Campaign Data

There is a big pile of data recently released by Wikileaks on the inner workings the Democratic National Committee. Wikileaks did not curate the emails beyond making them searchable and seperating the attachments and emails marked as spam. The mainstream press has gotten a few stories from the email trove, but avoided discussing their culpability in the sometimes criminal behavior and election fraud outlined therein.


Local activist files suit for access to exit polling data, Dead witness blocks path to truth

Local election integrity activist Peter Johnson filed suit in federal court yesterday, July 11, against Edison Media Research Inc. (EMR), a New Jersey company that conducts exit polls that media outlets rely on to report election results.