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Bruce Schneier

The great China hack. We should have seen this one coming 20 years ago

Bloomberg Businessweek broke a major story today, which they split up into three articles so far, about a long term Chinese military intelligence operation that compromised the security of 30 American companies including Apple and Amazon, DoD data centers, and some CIA drone operations. The People's liberation army had somehow managed to sneak a chip with security back doors into the manufacture of servers for large data farms.


When the people you look up to disappoint you Bruce Schneier and election integrity

Bruce Schneier is the Bill Nye of computer security. He has made a career of both as a cryptographer and as someone who can make computer security issues accessible. I've been reading his works for over twenty years. I fought to have has first book Applied Cryptography used as a text when I was in my third year in college. In his field, he is an absolute heavyweight. He is also a noted civil libertarian on privacy issues and a board member of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, which for the unfamiliar, is the ACLU of the internet.