There is a big pile of data recently released by Wikileaks on the inner workings the Democratic National Committee. Wikileaks did not curate the emails beyond making them searchable and seperating the attachments and emails marked as spam. The mainstream press has gotten a few stories from the email trove, but avoided discussing their culpability in the sometimes criminal behavior and election fraud outlined therein. They've parroted the evidence devoid story of Russian hackers being behind the data breach. They did not read the spreadsheets.
The spreadsheet labeled Trump May.xlsx is huge. There are no descriptions to guide one in exactly why expenditures were made. But they are there. There is a list of small donors. There is a list of loans to the campaign. All loans were made by Trump.
Trump stays in his own hotels and pays himself to stay there. Payments made to his hotels also list his press secretary, Hope Hicks, under the hotel with the expenditure type “payroll.” Donald Trump Jr. also collects a check from the campaign via various Trump real-estate entities.
There are more than a few questions left unasked contained in this single file. Who the hell buys office supplies at Home Depot? A presidential campaign books travel through Hotels.com? How many dead bodies are in that locker at Uncle Bob's Self Storage at 11670 Airport Highway in Baton Rouge LA? I checked and Jeff Epstein is not in this expenditure report.
The Trump did pay Facebook over $50,000 in May alone for directed media placement. That is quite a bit of clicking on “boost post.” The State Department under Clinton spent a similar amount monthly on social media engagement in 2012 for the entire world. This was an actual minor scandal reported on by the AP. Trump does not stay in the Super 8 Motel in Manchester NH like his staff. His campaign reimburses him directly to the tune of over $8,000 in May.
Trump's data security could not defend against the Hackers for Hillary despite the $49,026 check for “data management services” to the Iowa City firm called TMONE LLC DBA MASS MARKETS. Trump is going to build a big firewall. The biggest firewall ever. It's going to be great.
Aside from the banality of the inner working of the Trump campaign or the fact that it has less actual cash than the Stein campaign, there are serious legal issues. There is no legal way for a spreadsheet, containing donor information, to be anywhere near a DNC computer. Stealing this a violation of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986. Hacktivist Jeremy Hammond is in prison for ten years for doing the same thing and exposing massive privacy invasions of American dissidents by private security firms. One doubts the Hackers for Hillary that stole this data will face the same punishment.
There were multiple cross accusations of data breaches between the Clinton and Sanders campaigns for donor information. Sanders threatened to sue and then the noise went away. Perhaps the Hackers for Hillary knew things that she did not want said during discovery. It would be inconvenient the way that the possible testimony of mysteriously murdered campaign staffer Seth Rich might be to ongoing lawsuits alleging massive election fraud and voter suppression.
As the DNC continues and the leaks keep forthcoming the Clinton campaign seems mired in massive problems with possible pay to play scandals and the looming possibility of Demexit. The Watergate burglary that stole debate notes was after information far less valuable than the spreadsheet linked in this article. That brought down Nixon. Time will tell if the massive intersection of criminal behavior that is the current Clinton Campaign will change the political landscape for a decade as Watergate did.
[Editor's note: Apologies to Uncle Bob. I'm sure you don't actually have dead bodies in a locker. But when you rent out lockers next to an Airport and a swamp to a shady guy who owns casinos in Atlantic City, you become a valid subject of satire.]