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Education Secretary Betsy Devos traffics immigrant children in Ohio and across the nation

Today, June 24th, The Hill Reported that migrants separated from their children are being offered their children back upon their return to the country they are seeking asylum from if they sign a voluntary deportation order. They are not reunited with their children at the airport, and by the admission of the Federal government, many children are “lost” in the system. Earlier this week a federal judge was reported to have literally pounded his fist on the bench in anger at the practice screaming “when you go to jail and they take your wallet they give you a receipt.


Lies, Damn Lies and the endless bullying by the Yellow Springs Schools

The Mockingbird has been following the case of Angela Bussey, a former Yellow Springs school teacher bullied from her position by Principal Tim Krier, father of an accused serial child rapist Noah Krier. In response to her alleged social media post, the school system has invested massive amounts of money in the law firm Bricker and Eckland to bring suit against her for $20,000. She has counter sued.


37 Days after arrest James Robinson gets first visit

James Robinson was arrested on the night of May 8th. He was illegally held for seven days before his arraignment. His defense committee, after two weeks of attempts, finally got to meet with him. He did not even know that he had one. He did not know that money was being raised to get him something better a court appointed Attorney. The information he passed to his visitor was chilling. The amount of hours that went into getting someone to him was tremendous.


A Look at the Private Concentration Camps where profits are made when immigrant children are ripped from their parents

A picture went viral on the internet two days ago on May 27th. It was a shocking picture of a prison bus with car seats for toddlers. It was alleged that the bus was used to transport immigrant children after they were separated from their parents on the direct permanent orders of pro-segregation Attorney General Jeff Sessions.


Akron Hacktivist Still Missing in Federal Custody as His Defense Committee Battles Snitches, Sellout Lawyers and Surveillance.

Although the Trump Administration seems to be able to “loose” 1500 children in ICE detention separated from their parents, this author has never seen someone charged with a crime disappear with so much obvious coordination between so many agencies. In our search for James Robinson, this author along with Robinson's prison welfare attorney, contacted five prisons in two states, all of which either refused to admit he was a prisoner, or gave false information repeatedly.


Abused former Yellow Springs Teacher Files $100,000 Countersuit.

In jiujitsu there is a concept called an arm drag. Your opponent pushes against you hard and over extends themselves. You pull their arm horizontally across their body, leaving them further off balance. This opens them to further, finishing techniques. The Yellow Springs School Board, during their dismally failed campaign to raise taxes to unseen heights, sought to intimidate and silence all potential opponents.

