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Football and time machines. How far back into the cold war can we go?

Derek Lutz, played by MCU icon Robert Downey Jr in the 1986 comedy Back to School, said it plainly in the Reagan drunk heyday of the late cold war “Football and other violent ground game sports are just a cryptofascist metaphor for nuclear war.” The public would like it to be just a pastime, just a game, just a sport. It is not and can not be just a game.


Cultural cleansing, how Trump's scouting speech and military transgender ban are designed to remake institutions for generations

[Editors note: The Mockingbird does not accept unsolicited or unsigned editorial content. Anonymous sources for news articles are still known to us but will never be known to anyone else.]


Twenty Ways to defeat the both fascism and the new McCarthyism

There has been a lot of talk about fascism since the electoral college victory of Donald Trump. More specifically there has been talk of Fascism, the so-called “alt-right”, a new authoritarian nationalism, and the specter of Putin's Russia. This electoral college victory, unexpected even by Trump, has caused a massive re-configuration of the political landscape.

