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Acceleration Down the Slippery Slope to Oceania: NSA Spying on the Public Will Now Be Permanent and Racial

Children born 18 years ago this week have lived their whole lives with their country at war. They are old enough to enlist without parental consent and according to CDC birth records there are enough of them, 362,000, to completely replace the active duty component of the Marine Corps, 181,000 twice That number does not account for the United State's leadership of the developed world in infant mortality, which would place the number at 344,000, or not quite enough to double the size of the Marine Corps but still larger than the Air Force.


FBI Agent to be sentenced as a spy for exposing racism to the press

Terry Albury was one of the most experienced black FBI agents in the country. He is now a federal prisoner awaiting a 4 to 5 year sentence for violating the Espionage Act. He plead guilty after being caught exposing racist infiltration and surveillance tactics by the 90% white FBI against Muslim and other minority communities in Minneapolis where he worked.


They never saw a Palestinian child they did not want dead. Bi-Partisan American Consensus on who to murder

If you are a part of the political class in America, nothing turns you on like a dead brown baby. The Democratic Party pushed forward a congressional leader to justify what Republicans high fived on the street. The bare facts of last week's massacres, plural, in Palestine is that they are part of an ongoing program of genocide that has broad bipartisan support. The death toll, when examined proves this. Since the Republicans spoke first, their choicest statement will be addressed first. It provides a lead in to the facts of the death toll.


A Free State of Jones in an Empty Cinema

The Free State of Jones if one of the few movies I will go out to see this year, mostly because my little bit torrent elves could not bring it to me from the cookie tree. I'm not adverse to the price of admission, but I did show up late enough to miss most of First Look Cinema's “non-controversial” advertising. It was still propaganda porn that only Goebbels and Nancy Reagan could grope each other on while watching.