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Net Neutrality

How Donald Trump's Draft Executive Order to Censor Social Media Will Actually Work

Although CNN reported on August 11th that there was a circulating draft of an executive order to censor social media in order to make it more “fair” for “conservatives” and the network has claimed to be in possession of the text, they have yet to release it. Many news outlets, both large and small, have commented on the order, almost uniformly in the negative. Without the text they are mostly doing so without any real knowledge, and are speculating, with input from their picked legal scholars on a draft.


Alternative Facts and Media Control: Bush and Obama laid the groundwork for Trump's White House

Day Two of reign of Orange Frankenstein brought us a double down on Kelleyanne Conway's alternative facts and Spicer's reality splice. The Trump Administration will now select who attends press briefings rather than the White House press corps being selected from prime media outlets based essentially on audience size. Overlooking the problematic issues in the prior arrangement, the Trump administration has taken another step down the road to an authoritarian and government controlled media.