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Brock Turner

It takes a village to raise a Brock Turner, but Yellow Springs is a village that can do anything

People like Brock Turner can not develop and continue to exist without help from their parents and their parents' connections. This is how he managed to lie to the courts about his very location. Although he is also in the Miami Valley, upper-middle class suburbia would rather not look over the fence and see a mirror, when in reality Yellow Springs has it's own young privileged boy alleged to have raped at least two of his classmates without consequence.


Stanford Rapist Brock Turner Committed Perjury. Court Fails to Notice

Brock Turner raped a woman behind a dumpster at a party in Palo Alto on the night of January 20 2015. He was caught in the act by two graduate students, and despite his very expensive celebrity lawyers working overtime to demonize the unconscious survivor he was convicted. He relied on his good name and status as an athlete attending Stanford as proof of his goodness. The judge, a Stanford Alumni, felt sorry for him and gave him a six month sentence in the county jail with three months suspended when he faced 14 years.